Our Mission

All Nations Church has four primary missions:

(1) To make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19, 2 Timothy 2:2)

To pray for all nations (Isaiah 56:7)

To send to all nations (Acts 13:2-4)

To share the Love of Christ with others (Matthew 13:34-35)

About Us

all nations church

We Believe

  1. The one true God, revealed in the Bible as the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, existing eternally and equally in three persons.( (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19)

  2. The Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God, serving as the ultimate authority for faith and life, guiding us in all matters of doctrine and conduct.(2 Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:21)

  3. Jesus Christ as the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended to heaven, where he reigns as Lord.(John 1:1, John 1:14)

  4. Salvation a gift of God's grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ alone, resulting in forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and eternal life.(Ephesians 2:8-9, John3:16)

  5. The Holy Spirit, who is God, has been sent from heaven to glorify Christ and apply his work of salvation. He convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a true understanding of the Scriptures. He indwells all believers, brings assurance of salvation and performs the work of sanctification. He empowers and gifts the members of the church for worship, service and mission.(John 15:26, 16:18, Titus 3:5-6, 1 Corinthians 2:10-13, Romans 8:9-11, Ephesians 1:13-14, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4)

  6. The Church as the universal body of Christ, called to worship God, proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and demonstrate Christ's love through acts of compassion and justice.(1Cor 12:12, Matthew 28:19)

  7. The return of Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, establish his eternal kingdom, and make all things new, where believers will dwell with him forever in perfect communion and joy.( 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Hebrews 9:27, Revelation 21:1)

group of people waving their hands
group of people waving their hands

Our Values

Inclusive Community

Biblical Teaching

Passionate Worship

people raising their hands during night time
people raising their hands during night time

We welcome people from all walks of life, creating a diverse and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and accepted.

We are committed to teaching and applying the timeless truths of the Bible, providing practical guidance for everyday life.

We express our love and devotion to God through heartfelt worship, creating an atmosphere where His presence is experienced.

REV. Jaesub lim & family

Meet our Church team

Senior Pastor

Jaesub grew up in South Korea and had a life changing encounter with Jesus during his high-school years. Following this he went on to study to become a Pastor in Bible college in South Korea and met his wife Keumhee. Straight after marrying, the couple felt called to mission and to spread the gospel in the UK and thus arrived in 1997. They graduated from the Bible College of Wales and Jaesub received his Ma in Christian Mission from the University of Wales. Since then, Jaesub has pastored in churches in London, Southampton and Swansea before planting All Nations church in 2016. Together with his wife and two daughters - Erin and Seren - Jaesub has faithfully served the Lord wherever he has been called to and continues to lovingly serve the people of Swansea and Wales.

Our missionary families


In our church team we also have one missionary family from South Korea who supports our church and takes part in our various ministries since 2022.

Rev. Peter kim & family